10128796-001RLF Fci PCI Express/PCI Connectors M.2, 8.5mm, SMT,67P KEY B, GOLD FLASH

Part Nnumber
PCI Express/PCI Connectors M.2, 8.5mm, SMT,67P KEY B, GOLD FLASH
Basic price
1,76 EUR

The product with part number 10128796-001RLF (PCI Express/PCI Connectors M.2, 8.5mm, SMT,67P KEY B, GOLD FLASH) is from company Fci and distributed with basic unit price 1,76 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 5000 pc, Approx. production time is 8 weeks.

FCI Product Category: PCI Express/PCI Connectors RoHS:  Details Brand: FCI Packaging: Reel

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