10018783-00111TLF Fci PCI Express/PCI Connectors 10018783-00111TLF-PCI EXPRESS 2X82 POS WT

Part Nnumber
PCI Express/PCI Connectors 10018783-00111TLF-PCI EXPRESS 2X82 POS WT
Basic price
0,45 EUR

The product with part number 10018783-00111TLF (PCI Express/PCI Connectors 10018783-00111TLF-PCI EXPRESS 2X82 POS WT) is from company Fci and distributed with basic unit price 0,45 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 21600 pc, Approx. production time is 8 weeks.

FCI Product Category: PCI Express/PCI Connectors RoHS:  Details Product Type: PCI Express Brand: FCI Packaging: Tray Factory Pack Quantity: 60

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